Monday, 26 February 2018

Dance and Friendships

Happy Monday!

Today we celebrated Helene at the assembly. She received her "win-win" pencil for helping organize our school's lost and found as well as returning lost items to their owners.

Today we;
-spent a good hour working on calendar work.  We are reviewing the months of the year and what season each month belongs to. We have also begun to learn how to tell time!
-completed our "Friendship Is...." page.
-each child has chosen a main character for their short story
-had Music
-had 2 dance instructors for gym (we will have Michelle and Perri from Fit for Change for the next 5 Mondays
-got our new spelling words
-worked on My Five Senses in Science

PINK shirt day Wednesday!!!!!!

Today's Question-  What are ways you can be a good friend?  What will a good friend never do?

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Chinese New Year and pictures from Valentine's Day

Happy be-lated Chinese New Year!

Today we
-spent the first 90 minutes working through a multi-step Math problem that involved addition, subtraction and then division.
-it is important for students to use blocks or other counters in Math to help them concretely understand the operation (we used blocks to help us divide 24 into 4 equal groups)
-learned about the story of Nian
-learned about the celebrations of Chinese New Year
-watched a video of a lion dance
-made our own little dragons
-tried out some new foods!

Here is a link on Chinese New Year created by Panda Express.

Question of the day-  What were some things you learned about Chinese New Year today?


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...