Monday 24 June 2019

Sports Day, Father's Day Breakfast and Talent Show #1

The rain held off and today was a HUGE success.  Thank you to all of the parents who came out to make, serve and clean-up the pancakes, juice and sausages.  I know that there was a lot of prep involved at the Birkby's house this weekend.

Many, many of you were able to stay for the Sports Day portion to stick on tattoos, watch rubber duckies, send beach balls flying and more.  I tried to get a picture of everyone to add to their visual journals.

The second half of the talent show is tomorrow at 9:00am followed by the staff farewell.  Please join us if you can!

9:00am Talent show, staff farewell

AM Grade 6 graduation
PM Grade 6 dance (we are invited to attend for a portion)
Popsicle party and say goodbye

Most of the student work has been sent home with the exception of the Visual Journals and Scrap Books.  I would say that these 2 books are the most important and hold a great variety of student work from Sept. -through this week.  Please take the time to enjoy them!

PHOTOS to come...they're super slow at uploading!

Thursday 20 June 2019


Well that's a wrap on Camping Day 2019! We did our work in the tent, listened to some stories, played some games and just had fun.

The final countdown is on just a few more sleeps until grade 1 and 2 is over!   I thought I'd share some pictures from the day with you!

Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...