Thursday, 1 February 2018

I Am Poems and Hot Chocolate Party

Awww the weather, it ended up being not such a cold afternoon.  I wish I could turn back the clock and take the class skating.  A HUGE thank you to our volunteers Monday and Tuesday and to those of you who were prepared to come yesterday and today.

Mrs.Law graciously brought the hot chocolate party to the school when we decided to cancel skating.  The kids were THRILLED with the party!

Today we;
-did some math trivia 
-looked for different ways to make groups of 12
-wrote a pre-unit test on story writing and parts of a story
-worked on spelling
-wrote an "I Am" poem about ourselves
-went to gym
-had a fantastic hot chocolate party

Question of the day-  Can you write an "I AM" statement?


  1. I am a goalie. I train at World Pro. I am a baseball player. I play with baseball with my Dad when it’s the weekend.
    From, Blu

  2. "I am" Canadian. "I am" a hockey player and a goalie. My mom says "I am awesome" but she also says "I am perfect", at least until yesterday. My dad says nothing but books squash courts. PS I will work on trying to be perfect (and awesome)...Parker


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...