Thursday, 17 January 2019

Poems, Kananaskis in the classroom and gymnastics

I can't believe we are nearly half way through the school year and half way through January.

In gym we've been working on individual balances, partner balances and ways to move.  For the next 3 weeks students should wear comfortable, stretchy clothing.  Students are in bare feet or socks with clean shoes.

In Social Studies we are finishing up our unit on Calgary's early beginnings.  We have learned about the changes in schools, transportation, buildings, and the land. Our next unit will be looking at 3 diverse Canadian communities.

Magical magnetism in Science has concluded, beginning next week students will be learning about Hot and Cold.  Today we learned about cow magnets, we learned about how and why they are used.

The whole school is working on a poetry focus in Language Arts.  We have been reading, reciting, illustrating and writing or own poems.  Students are developing their public speaking skills and will be inviting parents in for a poetry party closer to spring break.

We have been working on our problem solving skills in math. Problems can include days of the week, time, adding, subtracting and basic multiplication.  The grade 2s will be focussing on addition and subtraction to 100 and the grades 1s will focus on addition and subtraction to 20.

Examples are: Grade 2

-The bell rings at 8:30am, it takes 30 minutes to drive to school.  What time do we need to leave the house to get to school on time?

-Adriana's sleepover is in 12 days.  Today is Jan.17th, what date is Adriana's party on?

-Keira, Lucas, and Mark are going to the movies.  The movies cost $5.00 each.  How much will it cost for the 3 children?  If they have $21.00, how much change will they get?

Grade 1

-11 rainbow fish swim through the coral.  The coral is so beautiful that 6 more much come along.  How many fish are there now?

-9 snowmen stood on a snowy hill.  The warm sun came out and melted 4 of the snowmen.  How many snowmen are left?

-Estella goes to gymnastics every day for 2 whole weeks.  How many times did she go to gymnastics all together?

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Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...