Hello, it's been a long time since my last post. I've included a lot of pictures so you can see what we've been up to.
Math- Measurement and Shapes and Space are our current units of study. Students have been having fun trying to find objects that fit a given measurement. We will be constructing 3D shapes.
Language Arts- Students are working on persuasive writing pieces. They are learning how to begin a writing piece with a "hook" followed by the topic sentence and then the supporting evidence. Our first writing piece was on which fruit of vegetable we should plant in our courtyard garden. The students wrote some pretty convinces sentences "do you want to be able to make your own buttery popcorn?" "Do you want to take your glasses off and never have to wear them again? If you do then you should plant some carrots."
Science- We are blending Science "Small Flying and Crawling Creatures" with literacy. We have learned that humans heavily rely on insects and invertebrates such as worms, butterflies, bees and dragonflies. Students particularly like completing and labeling step-by-step sketches of the insects.
Social Studies- We continue to look at the Celebrations and Traditions of the 2 Canadian Communities. This week we learned that Meteghan has "Acadian Days" where boats are decorated and raced, people complete in barrel rolling and log sawing contests and people stay up late into the night playing the fiddle and spoons.
***** We raised just over $1100.00 for the Mountain Bongo Conservation Project with Mrs.Schershel's class!!!!
Upcoming dates- These are just a few...
Mon. May 27th -Teachers VS Toronto Maple Leafs at lunch
Thurs.- 30th - Fun Lunch
Thurs. -30th - Family Spring Dance 6:30pm-8:30pm
Tues. June 4th- Kindergarten class hosts the Leader in Me assembly
Sat. June 8th 9:30AM Run for Water for those registered of still wanting to register;
Run for Water Registration - click on Teams and begin to type "Earl Grey Run Club"
Wed. June 19th- Zoo School Day at the Zoo
Mon. June 24th - Sports Day AM (Summer of 69 theme)
Mon. June 24th - Talent Show PM
Tues. June 25th - Talent Show AM
Thus. June 27th- Last Day of School