Thursday, 8 December 2016

Charlotte's Web Day and Iron in Cereal

Thank you for all of your support today!  Although Christmas is just around the corner today was all about Wilbur and Charlotte!  The students looked great in their western wear and were super excited to watch the movie.  So far we've been able to spot a few differences between the movie and book!  Thank goodness I've never had to deal with a student sneaking a live piglet into their desk!

In Science we've been testing cereal to look for iron.  We've discovered that yes indeed cereal does have iron in it.  Our school magnets are not the strongest so the test has been a bit challenging.  This is an experiment that your child can do at home with you.

Here are some pictures form today!  I won't thank  everyone individually for their efforts but boy oh boy you impressed all of the teachers and support staff at E.G who took a moment to stop by and look at the snacks!  We could almost open up a bakery with your creativity.


  1. The Wilbur cupcakes were awesome! Good job Tiernan!- Parker

  2. I loved every thing but more the wilber cupcakes.-Ana

  3. I liked the piggies, the haystacks and the pretzel Charlotte webs! - Hugo


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...