Thursday, 1 December 2016

Dec. 1st Magnets, Soccer and Mrs.Nasr's Baby

To we hosted Magnetic Al from Teacher's Pet. He put on a fun, interactive and educational presentation on magnets.  The students loved trying to magnetize thinking putty, predict if objects were magnetic and most of all make dogs parks with a toy dog and magnet wand.

We've also been learning about magnets in the world around us and different places they can be found.

Special Question:

Where is 1 place you can see a magnet in the world?

Both yesterday and today we had to juggle with our gym schedule.  It was a bit chilly but the class managed a quick game of soccer in the frost. Before the soccer game Mrs.Nasr stopped by with baby Celine to see us!


  1. You can see a magnet in the junkyard the cranes use big heavy magnets that has never been dropped. -David

  2. My mommy uses magnets at the hospital in the MRI machines to take pictures of people's brains and bodies.

  3. You have magnets on your fridge to stick on pictures.-Blu

  4. You can find magnets maybe in cars.-Ana


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...