Writers write to;
tell a story
be funny
write a list
write a biography
list the procedure
We always have to think of the audience and what they are expecting to read.
We are quickly coming to the finish line with our stories. The students have worked to make their stories humorous and even suspenseful! They will be sharing them at conferences next week.
In Math we are playing games that help us with addition and subtraction. Later this week we will each write our own math problem stories. These will vary in steps and complexity based on each child's understanding and ability.
Brett and Tiernan shared their Soil Erosion and Deforestation Science Fair project with the class. We learned that there are no upsides to deforestation. They demonstrated how plants and their roots protect the humas layer of soil from being washed away. Thanks for a great presentation boys!
In gym we worked on our puck handling skills and holding onto the stick safely.
Question of the day.
What is 1 hot or cold safety rule in your house?
Never hide in the deep freezer. Never touch a hot kettle.
Take food out of oven with oven mitts and no hiding in the freezer.