Monday, 4 December 2017

Monday Dec. 4th

Happy Monday,

Thank you Vivian for baking gingerbread cookies, decorating them and sharing them with our class!

Today we focussed on persuasive writing.  As soon as the kids came in this morning they noticed a Christmas list that I had made with Oliver and Grace's name on it.  The class all agreed that I had made some poor choices as to what each child should be getting for Christmas. They decided that ALL adults might need a little bit of help from them in deciding what presents to buy for a kid.

First we watched a quick video of 2017s best toys, then we scanned through gift guides and flyers. The last step was to choose a toy that we thought would be awesome and then write a persuasive paragraph about why parents should buy it.  Below are some examples of the students writing.

I saw some pretty incredible examples of writing and think we may have some future marketing executives in this class!

Question on the day?

Write ONE - THREE really GREAT sentences telling me what I should buy and why. 

Parker, Oliver, Grace and I at a children's Christmas party this weekend.  Thanks Kristie for the picture!


  1. You should buy at least two Laser X’s because it will keep Oliver and Grace out of your hair for at least three hours they could play against the whole entire neighbourhood if you buy it for the whole entire neighbourhood to play. For Grace you can by her a hatchimal because it talks to you. For Oliver buy him a Fitbit because it counts how many steps he takes, and tells you if your heart is healthy.and you should buy yourself dark chocolate to have as a holiday stress reliever. From Blu

    1. Oh my chicken pie! Blu what a great paragraph, I think you have convinced me to buy the Laser X game! The dark chocolate sounds like a plan....I just may have ran out of the chocolate house that you gave me by then!

  2. You should buy a Nintendo switch for Oliver because he would love it and he will get out of your way. Oliver will love that toy because he could bring it on the airplane and not carry a heavy box. He could also take this gift to a friends house. Angelo


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...