Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Planting Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!

Today we;
-talked about sphere's (many of the students are mixing them up with 2D circles and cylinders)
-drew spheres
-found spheres in our environment
-discussed ticks and what to do if you have one on you
-watched a short video about tick prevention
-worked on Mathletics
-weeded our classes plant box
-planted 2 raspberry bushes
-planted 21 corn seeds
-began our Needs and Plant and Animals unit in Science

Dates to remember
-Volunteer Tea tomorrow at 2:00pm
-Children's Festival field trip next Wed. 23rd
-Family Dance and Court Yard Celebration Thurs. 24th
-Field trip to the Calgary Zoo "Trekking the Pandas" June 7th

Question of the day-

How can you prevent getting bitten by a tick?


  1. If you want to play outside then you should wear long pants with your socks tucked in so you don’t get bitten by a tick.Alex

  2. Stay on a path when in long grass, wear long sleeves and make sure your mom or dad does a tick check when camping around long grass☺

    Helene & Leonie

  3. If you do not want to get bitten by a tick, wear long sleeve shirts and tuck your pants into your socks.


  4. Don’t wear shorts, wear pants and tuck your pants in under your socks so the ticks don’t climb up your leg. You won’t get bitten.
    Stay on the pathway and don’t go on long grass because they have tiny arms and they can grab you. If you stay away from tall grass you will be just fine.
    Don’t go near dirty water because ticks live in dirt also.
    From Blu

  5. do a tick check after you go camping. or don't go camping, just stay in a hockey arena. that is what i do to avoid ticks. p.s hockey rocks! Parker


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...