Thank you for checking in with our classes blog!
I will use the blog to communicate upcoming dates, talk about learning at school and show student work. The student work piece (pictures) is key. How many times has your child answered "I don't know what we did at school today or I can't remember or we didn't do anything"? Our school days are long, the children get tired and sometimes they really do forget. Please use the pictures to help guide conversations about student learning.
Curricular Updates-
Language Arts- Daily morning message, review of Dolch site words, guided reading, writing, speaking and responding. I see, I think, I wonder, gratitude books, visual journals and Earth Books. Spelling and home reading programs will begin in the next few weeks.
Kindergarten site words
Grade 1 site words
Grade 2 site words
Math- Patterning and sorting is the BIG theme. Subitizing, number sense, calendar, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and backwards and finally real world problem solving will be ongoing.
Science- Liquids - How the mix, their consistency, color (transparent and opaque) water tension.
Social Studies- Calgary's early beginnings, landmarks, changes in transportation, land, schools and houses, contributions of individuals and groups of people.
Health- 7 Habits. Being proactive, personal goal setting, taking responsibility
Physical Education- Cooperative games.
Important Dates-
Running Club -Tuesday and Thursdays at lunch
Girls Choir- Wednesdays at lunch
Tue. Sept. 18th -Parent meet and greet on the playground. 3:30-4:30
Thurs. Sept. 20th and Fri. 21st -Parent Teacher Interviews
Wed. Sept. 26th- 8:40 Assembly
Thurs. Sept. 27th- Terry Fox Run
Fri. Sept. 28th- Orange shirt day
Wed. Oct. 10th - Field Trip to Heritage Park
Fri. Nov. 9th - Remembrance Day Ceremony
Our work from the first 2 weeks of school...
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