Thursday, 15 September 2016

Thursday September 15, 2016


All students in our class now have accounts set up and ready to go on Raz-Kids.  The students that were in Mrs.Nasr's class last year are still using the same accounts.  At this time I can't "port" those children into our class but will do so in the future.

Please use Raz-Kids as often as you would like.  It supports reading, comprehension, can be informative (non-fiction books), builds fluency and increases confidence. Children can use the site to read, be read to, record and then listen back to their reading and complete quizzes.

I have taped the login information with individual passwords in the front of each agenda.

teacher name - ghelsen


We have begun our unit on "liquids" in Science.  I am shocked at how much information the students already know about liquids and density.  Some of the statements the students recorded were;

-take the shape of the container they are in
-can be hot or cold
-can dry 
-can evaporate
-can be different colors
-can smell different
-can be sticky
-can be dangerous
-can turn to rock if they cool down

This is a great start to our unit and should be lots of fun with predicting and experimenting!

Secret question of the day.  Who is Wilbur?  You can post your answer in the comment section.


Picture day next Thursday September 22nd
Running club forms sent home with those children interested (grades 2-4)


  1. Wilbur is the main character in the book that we are reading, and also he is a pig! We are reading Charlotte. That is my sister's name.

  2. Wilbur is the pig in the book Charlotte's Web.

  3. Wilbur is a pig in the book we are reading in the class.

  4. Wilbur is the main character in the book we are reading.

  5. Wilbur is a pig. He made friends with Charlotte.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...