Thursday, 22 September 2016

Thursday September 22nd

Welcome FALL!  Today we wrote about Fall in our visual journals.  We read some books, looked at a quick video and discussed what we see, smell, feel and taste in fall. It's really neat to hear about the children's experiences and what fall means to them!  I think our whole class was excited about the idea of having hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles to warm us was just an idea though, no hot chocolate in our class.

In Math we've been talking about increasing and decreasing patterns.  We looked at a birthday cake as an example of a growing pattern.  Each year you add 1 more candle to the cake.  The decreasing pattern was a fish bowl with 4 fish, each time the hungry cat came by the fish decreased by 1.

In Science we've been looking at different liquids to see how they move, smell, feel and whether they are transparent or opaque.  Right now we are just using once set of liquids to test.  As the class continues to show me that they can be responsible I will begin to put the liquids on their desks to explore independently.

E.G subscribes and pays for an account with Tumble Books.  It is a great resource of story books, non-fiction books, documentaries, games, puzzles and books in other languages.  I encourage you to add it to your favorites bar.  Children can easily navigate and use this site with little or no adult support.

The username is :  egs
       password is :  book

Here are a couple of great links for math games.  These are both free and recommended by Learn Alberta.  (Math 3 under the Sea is geared towards grade 3 outcomes but the grade 1s and 2s will still enjoy completing the tasks).

Dates to remember:

Terry Fox Run - Thursday September 29th at 2:30pm.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...