Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Persuasive Writing, Measurement, Dance and Density

Today we began with a story called "The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs" in this story the wolf is actually the good guy.  This lead into opinion or persuasive writing.  The students read a sample paragraph comparing tuns sandwiches to a grilled cheese.  They then worked in groups to write their own persuasive writing pieces comparing dogs to cats.  For our very first piece the kids did an excellent job!

In Math we discussed length and height.  Students had to line themselves up (without speaking) from shortest to tallest.  We are working on a measurement garden, our headshots will be the center of the flower.

In Dance we tried some new break dance moves, they were pretty tough!  The coffee grinder was especially tricky, Vian mastered it right away!

In Science we began to try to understand what "density" is.  We have learned that big things like boats can float because the are less dense (can hold more air) then small things like rocks.

Sneaky Question

Why will a water bottle float but a book sink?


  1. The book doesn't have air and the bottle has air and why does it says bottle bottle.-Ana

  2. A bottle with-out a lid will float.Becouse the air can come in. A book will not let ANEY air in.-CHLOE HORNE.

  3. The air in a bottle makes it float. The book doesn't have air. Also, the paper in the book will soak up the water, which makes it heavier and then it sinks. Parker

  4. I really liked the cats vs. dogs writing-CHLOE HORNE.

  5. A book sinks because it's heavy and doesn't have air. A bottle will float because it has air.


  6. A book has no air in it and a bottle does. If you open a bottle up there is air that escapes from it. (Lilian Salomonson)

  7. A water bottle floats because it traps air and makes it lighter. A book does not trap any air.

  8. Because there is a lot of air in a water bottle and there is no air in a book.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...