Monday, 15 October 2018

Famous 5, CPR and Liquids

This week our all Earl Grey students will be learning about the "Famous Five".  A group of 5 Canadian woman who secretly met, planned and petitioned for the woman's rights. As a result of their hard work woman were recognized as "persons" and on Oct. 18, 1929 woman gained the right to vote.  In Social Studies we will continue to look at Calgary's timeline and the important contributors to Calgary's development.

On Thursday Oct. 18th all E.G students will have the opportunity to be entertained and educated by a performance about the building of the CPR.  The performance will take place in the gym at approximately 8:45am.

We are continuing to learn about liquids in Science.  This week we are racing liquids, we will rank them based on their level of viscosity.  They slower or more resistant a liquid is the higher viscosity it has.

In Math we are beginning to explore number concepts and relationships.  This includes; counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, reading and writing number words, ordering numbers from least to greatest and vice versa, representing numbers using tallies, pictures and base 10 blocks and decomposing numbers. Decomposing numbers is when you take a number greater than 10 and break in into parts, ie 34 is actually 30+4 or 3 tens and 4 ones.

Spelling tests will continue to be every Friday unless otherwise specifies.  The weekly words will always be listed in the agenda.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Student Teacher
I would like to welcome Mrs. Gennerose Bacani to our class.  She is an Education student at  St.Mary's University Student. Mrs.Bacani will be joining our class from Oct. 22nd through Dec. 14th.  Please introduce yourself and say hello whenever you see her. 

Walking Field Trip
Just a heads up that we have tentatively set Wed. Oct 24th as a walking field trip date.  Our class will be walking to the Law's house (Ashlyn, Lucas and Trenton's house).  While at the Law's house we will be writing the "Steps to Making a Spooky House".  This is inline with our current writing unit on procedural writing.  Students will also be provided with a lunch of chicken fingers, hot dogs and vegetables.  This walking field trip is free of charge and is being provided by Deb and Darrel Law.  I will be asking 2-3 parents to accompany us for the walk.  More information to come.

Animal Ark Photo Gallery

Today I briefly introduce the Animal Ark to the class.  Photographer Joel Sartore is trying to capture an image of every animal in the world (or at least in captivity).  His goal is to increase. animal awareness and conservation. 

check him out here....
Animal Ark

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Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...