Monday, 1 October 2018

Kananaskis in the Classroom and Terry Fox

Today we saw the "Flow Factor" presentation hosted by the Kananaskis in the Classroom (Alberta Parks) staff.  We learned about the water cycle and how pollution affects the water, plants and animals. We are learning about liquids in Science, the presentation was perfect for this unit of study.

We have begun our spelling program.  Students have a spelling test every Friday morning (unless specified).  The words are in their agenda.  Mrs.Maze is teaching the grade 1s and I will be teaching the grade 2s.

In Math the grade 1s worked on re-ordering numbers 1-16 and the grade 2s worked on number patterns 2, 4, 6, 8,___, 12,    AND  5,8,7,10,9,12,11,___, ____, ____.

In Science we began looking at different types of liquids and how they move.  We "observed" that some move quickly and some move slowly.

-Wed.  bring a small tupperware like container (we are baking)
-Thurs. picture day
-Fri. spelling test (both grades)

Heritage Park- Students are invited to wear "old fashioned" clothing.  Boys can wear shirts, bows, ties, button down shirts, or a fedora.  Girls on dresses, big bows or ribbons, etc.

Please see Orange Shirt Day links below.

Question of the Day:

What are some ways that we can save water or use less of it?

Orange Shirt Day- Every Child Matters

These are some books that we read in class.  Click on the link to watch.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...