Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Cenotaph and Memorial Library Visit

Our class had a great little workout both down and then back up to Central Memorial Park today.   First we met Mrs.Josie a Librarian from the Memorial Library.  She was able to tell us that the library was the first one built between Winnipeg and Vancouver.  In order for the Library to be built 10% of Calgary’s 11000 residents had to sign a petition asking for a library to be built.  The initiative was started by Annie Davidson an elderly woman who wanted a place for people to meet, collaborate, and study.  The neat connection is at E.G students are encouraged to be leaders much like Annie and begin clubs or groups that interest them.

We then walked through the park to the Cenotaph.  Students took the time to sketch the Cenotaph and the eternal flames.  We learned that the Cenotaph was formally dedicated and unveiled on November 11, 1928. 

To top off the day we all enjoyed some delicious Modern Jelly donuts from Eloise who just celebrated her 7th birthday.  Thank you Eloise!

Thank you to Eloise’s Dad, Rhys’s Grandma,  Helene and Leonie’s Mom , and Parker’s Mom for volunteering to go with us. 

1 comment:

Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...