Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Nov. 23

Today we took some time to work on a GoNoodle called “Weather the Storm”.  We discussed being flexible, bending our branches, adjusting, digging in our roots and remaining strong.  We need to remain calm during times of trouble and stay focused. We may loose a few leaves but that’s ok.  It was a great GoNoodle time, it helped to calm and center our class before we began math.

In Math we continued representing the number 23 in a variety of ways.  Leonie started the lesson by putting the number 23 up on the calendar and then making the number 23 using the 10s and 1s rods.  Parker, Alex M and Vian then showed the class 3 ways make $.23 using coins.  I’ve included pictures in todays blog so you can get a clearer picture.

I would like students to attend the parent/teacher interviews this week (if it’s possible for you).  Students can always be excused into the learning commons if we need to talk privately.

Thank you for your continued blog support.



  1. i liked using money to count up to 23. i can't wait until the 25th. because we might do another one.

  2. Hi Parker,

    You did a pretty great job making $.23!


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...