Thursday, 28 September 2017

Terry Fox Run and Orange Shirt Day

Today was a pretty heavy day as far as information.  We discussed in depth what Orange Shirt Day is and why we honor it.  We came to the conclusion that all children should be treated equally regardless of the language they speak, food they eat or clothes they wear.  It was pretty emotional for some of our students. Please take the time to watch this short video with your child(ren).

We spent the better part of the morning creating a beautiful illustration of a  "Grow Calgary" Garden and then wrote "Thank You" letters to Mr.Hughes at Grow Calgary.

Fun lunch was a huge hit with Papa Johns Pizza!

In the afternoon we worked on our patterning unit in Math VIA Mathletics.  We were able to get almost every student up and running on the lap tops and the kids were so engaged you could have heard a pin drop.

We then had an early recess followed by the Terry Fox assembly and run.  Thank you to all of those who made it out for the run to cheer on the students.  Also thank you for all of the" toonie" donations!

Enjoy the pictures!

Tell me something about Orange Shirt Day.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Grow Calgary

We had a beautiful day at Grow Calgary! Thank you to all of the volunteers who now know how to pick rocks!

We began the day with a tour of Grow Calgary, we saw the fresh water creek, Earth Ship greenhouse, hemp mulch, rain barrels, bee hives, tomato hot house and a big red tractor.

Unfortunately we weren't able to pick potatoes because they had already been harvested.  With the hot summer and then cold snap most of the potatoes had been picked.  Instead we picked up hundreds and hundreds of pounds of rocks to prepare the fields for spring planting.

Great work boys and girls!

Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...