Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Happy New Year

Happy 2018 to everyone!  I didn't post the pictures from the last day of school on the blog, I've added them to todays post. 

As we begin the 2nd half of the school year I thought I'd give you a quick update about what we are covering in each curricular area.

Math- double digit addition and subtraction.  Conservation of a number (0 holds the place value spot), more than, less than and = to, estimation using a referent.  You can support your child at home by working on basic Math facts to 20.  Students should be able to do these types of questions in their head (15+3=).

Language Arts-parts of a story, Structure and Style, writing our own short stories.  We are currently reading The Witches by Roald Dahl.

Science- We will be beginning our unit on Building Things.  We will also be working on the cross curricularly during Social Studies.

Social Studies- Completing our School, Home and Community sections and moving onto "moving forward from the past".  We will learn about our pasts and how we contribute to our future.

Gym - Gymnastics. We will be beginning a dance inservice in Feb.  We have instructors coming in each Monday to teach us some dance.

Health-  Ways to take care of our body.  Healthy eating, brushing our teeth and washing our hands.

Question of the day:  How can you tell a witch from a regular lady?  


  1. The witches have gloves on their hands all the time because they have fake nails. a Angelo

  2. Witches wear white gloves even in the summer. They wear wigs and scratch their heads. Looks like a busy week!

  3. Helene: They wear gloves every day except when they are sleeping.
    Leonie: They glue a wig on their head because they don't have hair.

  4. They wear gloves and have fake nails. They wear gloves in the house and all the time. In the summer they take the gloves off to go to bed. They glue first class wigs to their heads. They scratch a lot because the wig is really itchy.- Parker

  5. Witches have gloves on their hands because they have nails as long as cat nails. If you find a lady wearing gloves in the summer try pulling her hair a tiny bit and if it comes off, then run away cuz she’s a witch! Or she could be a normal lady with a bald head. Or you could just whack the witch with your goalie stick. Or you could cover up her head with my sweaty goalie jersey! From, Blu


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...