Monday, 15 January 2018

January 15th

Good evening,

I'll begin with the question on the day.  What are 3 things we did in December that you could write about for the Dec. write up?  Can you remember how the bench by the playground and the bench by the baseball diamond are going to be used?  Hint, hint, we learned about it in the assembly.

Today we;
-went to the 7 Habits assembly and learned about the two benches outside and how they will be used
-completed our BEAUTIFUL fox paintings
-worked on our December write ups
-shared home journals
-worked on our Social Studies "Rights and Responsibilities Tri-Fold"
-went to Music
-practiced partner balances in gym
-learned our new spelling words

**** Thank you to those parents who are able to volunteer on Thursday afternoon to help us build our community

**** Thank you to those students who completed their homes early and brought them in to share


  1. what is the question of the day.parker

  2. 1) We went snowshoeing and 2) we got a letter from Santa’s elves and from Santa and 3) we had fun singing at a mall. We sang the Earl Grey School Spirit song and Christmas carols.

    If you have no one to play with you should sit on the baseball diamond bench or the playground bench, and then if someone comes along, you can ask them to play. Hopefully they say Yes. From Blu

  3. WHOPS, I didn't see that. A) Christmas concert. B) made ornaments. C)watched James and the Giant Peach.

  4. I can write about the south centre mall how we sang there. I was the porcupine in a pine tree at our Christmas concert. And last but not least, we had a long spelling test. Angelo


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...