Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Happy Valentines Day

I'll keep this short!  Today we celebrated Valentines Day by getting together with our grade 3-4 buddies.  We also learned about St.Valentine and who he was, his story is pretty incredible.

Thank you to Stacey Mercury who baked the sugar cookies, made the icing and bought the decorations for the cookies our class decorated.  Also a HUGE thank you to all of the families who contributed to todays party.  I (we) really appreciate all of the time and effort it takes make the treats, prepare the cards and get the boxes.  The kids had so much fun exchanging their cards.

Below are some picture from today.

Question of the day.

Tell me 2 things about St.Valentine.


  1. St.Valentine helped people who wanted to get married get married. He believed God and healed the guards girl so the guard became friends with him. -David

  2. Bishop Valentine got in big trouble for performing marriage ceremonies and was sent to jail.Bishop Valentine was put to death for his crime on February 14th.Red is the color of blood.It was once believed that the heart[the body's organ that pumps the blood] is that part of the body that the feeling of love came from.-Ana

  3. Two things about St. Valentine. Ok, #1, he died. And #2, he helped spread joy by making people fall in love.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...