Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Music Quiz

Today in Science we learned about hypothermia.  We now know what it is, how it affects our bodies and what the signs and symptoms are.

In Social Studies we investigated the landscapes of Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.  We know that Meteghan is on the East Coast and borders the Atlantic Ocean.  We also looked at pictures of grain elevators in the Prairies and Iqaluit's unique sun in winter and in summer.

In Math the grade 1s read and illustrated addition and subtraction word problems. Grade 2s played a game with dominos by adding 2 to their dominos and looking for the greatest number.  In the morning we completed another problem of the day using logical reasoning.

The following information is from Mrs.Verosovia (the music teacher)

On Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 a music quiz. 
The name of the piece is "Marriage of Figaro"
Composer - Mozart
Section A is Presto - which means Fast.
Section B is Lento - which means Slow; and Legato - which means smooth.
Section C is Forte (loud) and Accented.
Section D is Crescendo - from piano to Fortissimo (ff) - which means from quiet to very loud.

I will review this with students in class during next week and before the quiz, but it would be beneficial, if students could review in class and at home.

Question of the day?

Tell me 3 things about hypothermia?


  1. You can get hypothermia if you don't dress with proper clothes.
    If your body temperature goes below 95f you can get hypothermia.
    Signs of hypothermia-Pale,cold skin,Uncontrollable shivering.-Ana

  2. The test we have to do is gonna be really hard 😱-Vian

  3. You can die from hypothermia. It is very important to have a warm jacket mittens and a hat.you have to slowly warm them up. -Vian

  4. Brett- Hypothermia is when your body temperature drops to 37 to 35 or below, it is the opposite of heat stroke and causes the body to shiver uncontrollably

  5. You might might have hypothermia if you are confused, shiver, too cold. If you have heatstroke, you might feel hot or have a fever.

  6. 1) You should take a warm bath.
    2) It is when you get very cold and your lips turn blue.
    3) You might die.

  7. C and D is so hard to memorize.-Ana


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...