Monday, 6 February 2017

Math, Social Studies and Language Arts

Today in Language Arts we read the story The Grouchy Ladybug.  Students then wrote about what makes them grouchy and ways they can help solve the grouchiness.  Many of the responses included being woke up by parents, I guess our class is full of sleepy heads.

FYI in Language Arts students are expected to re-write a familiar story and then change the end. Recall a story and state the main events in correct sequence.  Relate a story to their own personal experiences.  Much of the writing we've been working on covers these areas (plus conventions, flow, sequence, spelling, and work choice).

In Math we've been working on a problem a day.  Today's problem used logical reasoning.  We said that in the real world many professionals use logical reasoning each day ie. a doctor would ask you about your symptoms and then try to figure out a diagnosis for you.  If you could help your child at home with basic facts to 10 it would be very much appreciated!

In Social Studies we are continuing to investigate Canadian communities.  At this time the focus is landscapes and animals natural to that area.

In Science we are just beginning to learn about heat stroke and hypothermia.  We will go more in depth with these terms tomorrow.

In Physical Education we began to run through the mission impossible course!  It was pretty tricky for everyone!

In the agenda today was a note from the grade 5s about donating sheets and blankets to the SPCA.   There was also a note from me regarding Valentines Day with every child's name listed on the note.

Blog question for the day

What are some of the animals native to the Iqaluit area?


  1. some of the animals that live in the Iqaluit area are reindeer,arctic fox,arctic hare and polar bears.-Ana

  2. polar bear, articfox and walrus holt

  3. Some native animals in Iqaluit are the polar bear,Arctic fox,reindeer,Arctic hare and walrus. -David

  4. Some of the animals that live in the Iqaluit area are reindeer, Arctic fox, arctic hare, sled dogs and polar bears. (also, Mrs. Helsen, did you mean to say "woke up by parents" instead of "work up by parents"?- just trying to help) Parker

    1. Thank you Parker! Do you remember why you earned your pencil this morning???? You earned it for consistently blogging AND correcting the blog for me. What would I do without you?

  5. Polar bears, walrus, rabbits, and wolves -Blu

  6. parker is a good daber
    +1 alex

  7. muskox, walrus, polar bears,artic hares,artic fox


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...