Thursday, 4 May 2017

Star Wars and Boats

Today is was all about Star Wars!  The morning news had a Star Wars theme, we even did Star Wars yoga in gym.

This morning we spent a good hour in the courtyard writing persuasive pieces about Star Wars Day. All of the kids agreed that a special themed day makes school extra fun.  The grade 1s and 2s broke codes and solved a secret message.

In Math we looked at fractions, money, and finding the missing addend.  These too were all Star Wars themed. We spent over an hour working on Math with super concentration and a very high level of engagement! Not one person asked when recess was.

In Science we built our 3rd boat of the week.  So far Dorothy and Holt are in 1st place for building boats that held 18 dice before they sank.  We will continue to build boats that can both hold a load and not tip over.

What was you favorite part of Star Wars Day?


  1. My favorite part of the day was the secret code and word search

  2. My favourite part of the day was floating boats!


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...