Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Tree (sad), Boats, and Running Club

This morning E.G staff noticed that the 2 trees by the side of the school (closest to the playground) had branches completely broken off.  This is sad, tragic and preventable.  Students are not allowed to climb the trees either during the school hours or after school hours.  When parents are watching their children after school we ask that not allow them to climb the trees.

Below are pictures from our boat building today and our first Run Club of 2017.  Congratulations runners, you made it all the way to the Rideau Bridge and back!

Question of the day:
Tell me something about the book "Just a Dream".


  1. Brett- If you litter everywhere it will cause pollution which means some animals could die or there might be dirty water.

  2. The kid was saying that a tree is a weird presant and he went future and he saw people making smoke that makes itchy eyes and they made medicine that cured it. So basically they wanted money.-David

  3. A kid threw a piece of garbage on the grass and he saw a little girl with a tree as a present. The boy said, he would never want that gift because it's a silly old tree. He would rather have a race car.

    Lauren Chao

  4. Pollution from factories can make you sick.

  5. At the end he got it on his birthday a tree and at night he had a good dream with his tree and his friends tree.-Ana

  6. Never ever ever ever climb the school trees!!!!

    He had a dream to go to the future but at the future he saw no mini airplanes and robots to put his garbage away. He had a nightmare at the future.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...