Monday 1 May 2017

Building Boats!

Today we attempted to build our own boats.  We were told we were stranded on an island and that we had to build a boat to get off.

-2 paper clips
-paper sail

A few of us were able to build boats that floated for a few seconds.  Most of the boats fell apart, sank, or tipped over.

We learned a new word called "keel".  We learned that boats have keels to add stability to the boat.

Math fair projects went home with students today.  Students either divided them in half with their partner, gave them to their partner or kept them for themselves.

Question of the day-

What kind of boat would you like if you could have you own?


  1. I would have any boat because I like lots of boats. The boat I like the most is a fairey. -BRETT

  2. I want a ferry ship to take me to Victoria Island and drive to goats on roof.-David

  3. Just get me a cruise boat. And a captain to sail it and conduct the other employees. Parker

  4. You made a mistake. You said "you" instead of "your". Parker

    1. Parker, they're R ONLEE 2 mouths of school left! What will eye due without you to correct me mistakes?
      msr. nesleH

  5. I will like a boat that would float in the wind instead of sinking.-Ana

  6. A boat that can protect you from sharks and that it very fast like a power boat.


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...