Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Mount Royal

Happy birthday CHLOE!  I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of you.  Thank you for the birthday treats!

What a perfect day for a walk!  The students had a quick walk around Upper Mount Royal.  There is so much history in this community.  The big pieces that I want students to get;
-Mount Royal was one of the first communities in Calgary.
-Mount Royal used to be grassy plain land much like Nose Hill Park.
-Mount Royal used to be considered “out in the country”.
-There was a sanitarium (for TB) that took up 10 acres of land.

Thank you to Stacey, Naomi and Karla for joining us.  An extra special “thank you” to Will and Grace’s Mom for having us at their house the “Colgrove House” where Buzz Aldrin once danced!  She even baked cookies for our class!


Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...