Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Applesauce, Racing Liquids and Volleyball

The grade 1s and 2s have had a pretty busy week!  We spent most of this morning with some WONDERFUL volunteers peeling and slicing apples.  A HUGE thank you to Hugo’s Mom, Helene and Leonie’s Mom, Rhys’s Dad, Parker’s Nanny and Alex’s Mom who gave up their mornings to help us out. 

We are continuing our Unit on Liquids.  Today we raced them to see which ones would be the fastest.  We learned that the really dense liquids moved very slowly (yogurt, soap and paint). 

In gym we’ve begun our unit on Volleyball!  We are using soft pink balls so that no one gets hurt.  So far we’ve worked on volleyball stance, volleying and bumping.   The focus has been getting the ball up and moving forward.  Many of us have elephant swings where we hit the ball backwards over our heads.

Our writing focus has been on Thanksgiving.  We are working on taking a special word and building an interesting sentence around it. For example “turkey”  My family found the perfect plump turkey and served it with fluffy stuffing.

Some students have been working on Mathletics while others have cut and pasted pictures to extend patterns.  Our next Unit in Math will be sorting objects.

Here are some pictures from the week!

1 comment:

Online Learning June 22-26

We made it!  It's the last week of the school year!  This week you will get your classroom award and be able to see your report card. ...